Pyzo's mission
Our mission is to give people easy access to the tools and skills for data-centric programming. We focus on the Python programming language, an easy yet powerful language that is very suitable for a wide variety of tasks; Python is great for learning, science and data analysis, as well as application development. We are passionate about Python and we want to give everyone the opportunity to use it.
Pyzo, Python, and most scientific Python packages, are BSD-licensed (and therefore usable in commercial applications). We believe that scientific software should be free, because:
- It helps scientist to make their results reproducible (because others wont have to buy software).
- We believe that students should be able to code in a proper environment at home too (without having to resort to an illegal version).
- Any researcher, no matter where he/she lives in the world, should have access to a powerful computing environment.
During our PhD (at the University of Twente in The Netherlands) we have come to believe that Python has incredible potential for the use in science and engineering. At the time (i.e. about 2010) there was still a lot of work to do. Pyzo has been our effort to make data-centric programing easier accessible.